Eternal Wellness

The Importance of Healing, Connecting, Community, and the Inner Journey

Edited byย Robert F. Lawson and Carol S. Lawson
Chrysalis Readerย #10

The Chrysalis Reader celebrates its tenth anniversary with Eternal Wellness, an anthology of original writing on how to become spiritually centered.

E-Book, 176 pages

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The Chrysalis Reader celebrates its tenth anniversary with Eternal Wellness, an anthology of original writing on how to become spiritually centered, in alignment with the universe at large, in harmony with life, and in touch with our understanding of the spirit that flows through it all.

Through essays, short stories, and poetry, we learn that being spiritually grounded may mean, for one person, being seated beside a pond in predawn light, allowing troubling thoughts to settle. For another, it may mean standing in line at the bank, meditating on the breath behind the breath. Yet for another, it means moving mindfully alone among the massive sandstone outcrops of the canyonlands, while an Orthodox priest finds healing in action, tending to the injured on 9/11 and rebuilding his fallen church after the devastating attack in New York City.

A myriad of practices point to spiritual wellness and enlightenment, but which practices are for us? Which ones can we trust? The authors in this volume examine the dynamic of spiritual balance, asking, for instance, what constitutes a healthy diet of spiritual nourishment. Can one overdose on too much of a good thing?

About the Author

Robert F. Lawsonโ€™s poetry has appeared in Three Rivers Poetry Journal, Salt Lick, Plum Review, Phoenix, Negative Capability, Lullwater Review, Kalliope, Hampden-Sydney Poetry Review, and others. He recently retired from Maine Public Broadcasting as the major gifts and planned giving officer. A co-editor for the Chrysalis Reader and former editor for Simon & Schuster, Lawson does freelance editing and writing consultation.


Carol S. Lawson holds a masterโ€™s degree in literature from Bennington College. Her long and varied career in publishing has included managing a medical journal for Harper & Row, publications and press work for the US Public Health Service and the Environmental Protection Agency, and the executive editor position at the American Birding Association.


โ€œSimilar to Iris, the Greek goddess who could travel across the sky at the speed of wind and who, with her colorful wings and robes and a halo of light, would leave a rainbow in her wake, Eternal Wellness will travel across your soul at the speed of enlightenment and leave a wonderful rainbow of intellectual and spiritual delights for you to savor.โ€

โ€”L. Robert Keck, author, Healing as a Sacred Path

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Carol S. Lawson, Robert F. Lawson






176 pages

Release Date



Chrysalis Reader #10

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