Observing Spirit

Evaluating Your Daily Progress on the Path to Heaven with Gurdjieff and Swedenborg

Byย Peter Rhodes
Edited by Jody Perkins and Ruth Zuber

Peter Rhodes presents a practical guide to spiritual progress based on the teachings of G.I. Gurdjieff, P. D. Ouspensky, Maurice Nicoll, and Emanuel Swedenborg.

Paperback, 256 pages

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Based on the teachings of G.I. Gurdjieff, P.D. Ouspensky, Maurice Nicoll, and Emanuel Swedenborg, Peter Rhodes presents a practical guide to spiritual progress. Stressing personal responsibility for overcoming negative traits, each chapter explains how we can realize our true spiritual potential by cultivating awareness of our baser reactions and by applying the tools of Gurdjieff’s spiritual method, “The Work,” to our everyday existence.

Rhodes joins “The Work” with the spiritual philosophy of Emanuel Swedenborg to enhance our understanding of how the world of spirit intersects our lives on the earthly level. At the conclusion of each chapter, tools for measuring the reader’s progress are provided in the form of weekly tasks and meditations. This book can be used in group workshops or by the individual.

About the Author

Peter Rhodes has led workshops on spiritual renewal based on the teachings of Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, Nicoll, and Swedenborg for over twenty years. Mr. Rhodes earned his masters in psychology from Antioch University and is a certified neuro-linguistic practitioner. He has also had a private practice working with individuals, couples, and groups, utilizing a combination of psychology and spirituality. He co-founded the Spiritual Growth Movement in his church community. A retired probation officer, Mr. Rhodes works as a spiritual counselor. His earlier works include Aim and Aim: The Workbook.


Rhodes has done us all a real service by putting together this workbook on spiritual progress as something that must grow out of daily practice and concrete intention.

โ€”Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat, Reviewers, Spirituality & Health, September, 2005

Additional information


Peter Rhodes


Jody Perkins, Ruth Zuber


e-book, paperback


978-0-87785-668-9, 978-0-87785-316-9


252 pages

Release Date


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