Who was Swedenborg?

The life-guiding principles provided by eighteenth-century mystic and spiritual explorer Emanuel Swedenborg have inspired some of the world’s greatest minds and souls–Helen Keller, D. T. Suzuki, and Ralph Waldo Emerson, to name a few–as well as countless numbers of everyday people searching for truths on their spiritual journey.

An illustration of Emanuel Swedenborg, who wears a dark blue coat, a white old-fashioned necktie, and a white wig, communicating with a group of floating angels. Various scientific symbols and beams of light stream between the angels and Swedenborg.
An illustration of Emanuel Swedenborg in a dark coat, white old-fashioned necktie, and a white wig lifting a hand in greeting.

Swedenborg’s Life

The life of Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) was defined by his attempt to understand how the universe works. After a youth spent studying everything from astronomy and mechanical engineering to anatomy, his deep faith led him into direct contact with the spiritual world. From midlife onward, he devoted himself to writing about his new understanding of life, the Lord, and the Bible, in the hopes of bringing a message of spiritual hope and comfort to the world.

An illustration of a grey and blue city on a hill. The sun is large and orange in a blue sky behind the city.

Swedenborg’s Theology

Swedenborg published more than three million words about his experiences in the spiritual world and the complex theology he learned there. For a quick summary of the main themes he wrote about, this page has an overview with links to more in-depth articles and other resources on key topics.

An illustration of people wearing robes working and reading in a bright library, with shelves of books stacked high.

Swedenborg Starter’s Reading Kit

Want to dig into Swedenborg’s writings, but not sure where to start? This page includes some introductory videos, links to books that provide a good overview of his theology, and some of his most popular works. You can find a complete list of his theological works, with descriptions, on the Swedenborg’s Writings & Publications page.

An illustration of blue figures traveling in connecting white circles on a dark blue floor.

Swedenborg’s Cultural Influence

Swedenborg’s writings were read by artists, writers, philosophers, social activists, and people from all walks of life, and his influence shows up in places you might not expect.

An illustration of a bright yellow sun radiating yellow, orange, and aqua rays against a darker blue background.

Swedenborg’s Science

From a young age, Swedenborg wrote on a wide variety of technical and scientific topics, including theories on astronomy and anatomy that were far ahead of their time.

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