For Swedenborg Starters

If you’re intrigued by Swedenborg’s spiritual insights and want to learn more, you’ve come to the right place! Here, you can watch an introductory short video featuring Swedenborgian scholar Dr. Jonathan Rose and explore some of Swedenborg’s most popular writings, which are free to download and read! For a complete list of Swedenborg’s theological books in order of publication date, click the button below.

An illustration of people wearing robes working and reading in a bright library, with shelves of books stacked high.

Where to Start

Who was Swedenborg?

Watch a quick video, try a little of everything in our sampler, or visit our bookstore for more great introductory choices.

Swedenborg 101: The Basic Nature of Everything

For a longer video introduction to Swedenborg’s key theological concepts, check out this episode from our Swedenborg and Life YouTube series.

What to Read

A Swedenborg Sampler

For new readers of Swedenborg, the challenge is knowing where to start and what to read. This volume offers a taste of some of his most powerful writings from five of his popular works.

New Jerusalem

This short work, written by Swedenborg, is an overview of his theology with extensive cross-references to his magnum opus Secrets of Heaven.

Swedenborg’s Garden of Theology

Swedenborg’s Garden of Theology, written by New Century Edition Series Editor Dr. Jonathan S. Rose, gives a short, accessible overview of Swedenborg’s theology.

A Thoughtful Soul

Written by eminent Swedenborgian theologian Dr. George F. Dole, this philosophical overview of Swedenborg’s theology includes copious quotes from Swedenborg himself.

Visit “Intro to Swedenborg” in our Bookstore

Looking for a place to jump in? These books are our editors’ picks for readers starting to explore Swedenborg. Choose one or more that speak to you, most are available as free e-book downloads!