A Scientist Explores Spirit

A Biography of Emanuel Swedenborg

Byย George F. Dole and Robert Kirven

Richly illustrated, the book includes a chronology of the life of Swedish scientist-turned-seer Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772), a bibliography of his works, and an outline of his key theological concepts.

Paperback and e-book, 99ย pages


This book introduces the life and spiritual thought of Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772). A Swedish scientist and statesman, he underwent an extraordinary religious experience at age 55 and spent his last twenty-seven years producing thirty volumes that detailed his visionary experiences. Richly illustrated, the book includes a chronology of Swedenborg’s life, a bibliography of his works, and an outline of his key theological concepts.

About the Author

George F. Dole holds a B.A. from Yale, an M.A. from Oxford, and a Ph.D. from Harvard University. Now professor emeritus, Dr. Dole taught ancient languages, the Bible, and theology at the Swedenborg School of Religion in Newton, MA. His recent translations of the New Century Editions of Heaven and Hell, Divine Love and Wisdom, and Divine Providence have won critical acclaim. He is also the author of A Book About Us, Freedom and Evil and Sorting Things Out.

Robert H. Kirven was president and professor emeritus of the Swedenborg School of Religion in Newton, Massachusetts. He held degrees from the University of Chicago, Andover Newton Theological School, and Brandeis University, where he earned a Ph.D. in the history of ideas.

Additional information


George F. Dole and Robert H. Kirven


e-book, paperback


978-0-87785-241-4, 978-0-87785-667-2


99 pages

Release Date


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